dissabte, 20 d’abril del 2013


-Recipe ingredients of pancakes:
125 g flour
2 eggs
¼ L of milk
50 g butter
1 teaspoon butter to grease the pan
5 g of sugar
1 pinch of salt

-For the sauce:
75 g of chocolate couverture
100 mL of milk

-Development of pancakes recipe:
To melt the butter, enter it in the microwave for 30-40 secords.
Place the milk, butter and eggs in a jug. Add flour, sugar and salt. Grind the ingredients and pass the mixture through a strainer to remove any lumps you may have.
With a brush smeared the bottom of a pan with a teaspoon of butter and heat it over medium heat. Pour a little of the dough, spread it well, and when it begins to set, turn it over. Kitchen briefly and remove it to a plate.
Repeat until all the dough finish. Put the chocolate and milk in a saucepan over low heat and wait until it melts.
Serve pancakes and accompany them with chocolate sauce.

Pregnancy advice 'scaremongering'

Pregnancy is a huge, lige-changing period in a woman’s life and there is no shortage of advice about what is best for your unborn child. But Linda Geddes, the author of Bumpology, argues this can sometimes be misleading and scaremongering.
Expectant parents are bombarded with advice about what they should and shouldn’t be doing. Pregnant women mustn’t eat too much as it may raise the baby’s risk of obesity or diabetes, but they mustn’t diet as that could have a similar effect. Neither should they exercise for fear of triggering a miscarriage, or get too stressed out because that’s bad for the baby too. You might start to think that staying at home would be the sensible thing to do, only this too is ridden with potential dangers for your unborn child: from ice-cream, to pet shampoo, to hair dye.
“When I fell pregnant three years ago, I felt paralyzed and somewhat patronized by all the conflicting advice out there. So began a quest to investigate the truth behind the old wives’ tales, alarming newspapers headlines and government guidelines, and to probe deeper into the inner world of the developing child. So Bumpology was born.”
In my opinion, Linda Geddes has done a really good job and has been really worried about her child’s life and his healthy. I admire her to worry so much for her baby, and also to advice in news that other mothers don’t have to do everything that other people say, they only have to look for the secure advices and enjoy their life with their baby.
I’ve never been pregnant, because I’m young, but I can’t imagine what a mother can worry about their son. It has to be amazing and also, when he/she borns, the preoccupations start at the same moment.

How to tackle unsafe drinking

Drinking too much is bad for you. But too many people underestimate what is a safe amount of alcohol.
Dr Nick Sheron, a liver expert at the Univeristy of Southampton, explains why we need a blood test to alert people to the harm they could be doing to their body.
We have a serious problem with liver disease in the UK.
Around a quarter of the UK population are drinking too much, but may not realize it, and GPs have an important role to play here. Liver disease develops silently. There are no signs or symptoms – the liver has no pain fibers, until disease is very far advanced. By the time the patient presents to hospital the liver is often very scarred. Even if the patient stops drinking entirely at this point, it may be too late and many people die of liver complications over the next year or so.
Now they have a simple blood test, which we call the Southampton Traffic Light test. The result comes in three colors: red, green and amber.
Is incredible how the % has increased in these lasts years, on people drinking alcohol. I agree that doctors have an important paper for the UK to inform all the population, but I also believe that people don't listen or don't pay attention on the important things, like your life! They may think that they wouldn't be ill. In any case, I am not anyone to discuss it because everyone has their own problems, and I also want to say that the new simple blood test is really good to differentiate the level of the disease.

dijous, 18 d’abril del 2013

Prenuptial arrangements are a good idea

Why should the couples do a prenup? Is it a matter of not relying on your partner?

On the one hand, doing a prenup has to be a good idea for the people who have a lot of money and a lot of propiate campsides. Then, when the couple wants to marry, they distributate theirs properties to not to discuss it when they might divorce the following years. Everybody has to be secure deciding and choosing their own things, because nowadays, exists a lot of ways to destroy or steal the other person. So, in this sense it's a good idea to pass those papers firstly to enter to a secure marriage.

But on the other hand, the boyfriend or the girlfriend can feel quite insecure seeing while his pair isn't relying on him/her. This person might think about their projects in a future together or maybe think about their children. I believe that couples have to speak to each other and planning their lifes while they are living theirs. Maybe, not to plan all at first, however doing it while you are growing up together. 

In my opinion, I think that people who do a prenup don't rely on their couple and don't marry being in love. 

dilluns, 1 d’abril del 2013

Formal letter

18 Girona Road
Tel. 456 213 1

Govierno de España
24 Madrid Road

Dear Mr Rajoy, 
I am doing a project at my High School, IES Castelló d'Empúries, about Human Rights. 
Regarding the 7th article of Human Rights, it states that the law has to be equal to anyone, even if someone has a lot of money, or is famous, or is the President of any country, has to be under the law that all the current people do.
In my opinion, sometimes this is not complied with. For example, a news story came from a woman who stole €200 of a credit card that was to buy necessities for their children, almost has been thrown in prison; however, there have been many theft of a lot of money by some politicians, but nothing has happened.
As a result, I think everyone should be judged as they deserve, and because there is a law, then enforce it. 
I would like to thank you in advance for listening me.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Eva Martínez Benito.

CHALLENGE: Can we make Humans rights more relevant in the world today?

Previously, without internet, television, social networking or any of that, people were quite lost in what was happening in the world. They didn’t wise if there was a war here, if there was a violation there, … everyone cared about himself and move on. But with the implantation of new technologies, people are much more informed. Sincerely, I believe that this can help people to communicate and to do groups for helping others. However, I think that having so much information to know what happens at all times, we don’t pay attention and it doesn’t give us any importance that it should have. The reason is because we have listened it a lot, so it’s not new for us.

Ghana: People With Mental Disabilities Face Serious Abuse

People with mental disabilities suffer severe abuses in psychiatric institutions and spiritual healing centers in Ghana, Human Rights Watch said in a report. The Ghanaian government has done little to combat such abuse or to ensure that these people can live in the community, as is their right under international law.
The 84-page report, based on more than 170 interviews with people of different situations, describes how thousands of people with mental disabilities are forced to live in these institutions, often against their will and with little possibility of challenging their confinement. In psychiatric hospitals, people with mental disabilities face overcrowding and unsanitary conditions, face stigma and discrimination and often lack adequate shelter, food, and healthcare. People who are institutionalized in prayer camps, the prophets seek to “cure” residents through miracles, consultation with “angels,” and spiritual healing.
“The government needs to take immediate steps to end abuses against people with mental disabilities in institutions, prayer camps, and the community,” said Medi Ssengooba, Finberg fellow at Human Rights Watch. “The conditions in which many people with mental disabilities live in Ghana are inhuman and degrading.”

Under this convention, countries must undertake steps to ensure that people with mental disabilities can make important life decisions for themselves.
The government should create community-based support services, including housing and healthcare. The government should also ensure that people are not forcefully detained in these facilities or in psychiatric hospitals and that they have access to mechanisms to challenge any violations of their rights.

In my country the situation is different, but I’m not sure about that and how these psychiatric centers are organized. I’ve never been in one of those, but I hope it’s different from this country and that the government enforces laws in these centers.

I’m not sure about myself to do something to change the situation, because I have no experience in almost anything about this world of human rights, but I’m sure that I could do something if someone wants that I help him/her.


Human Rights

1.    What are human rights?
Human rights are commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being. Human rights are thus conceived as universal and the same for anyone. The objective of human rights is that every individual and every organ of society shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms.

2.    Why were they created?
They were created to preserve the natural rights.

3.    How many human rights are there?
There are thirty human rights.

4.    Which human right were you not familiar with? Mention an example where this human right is respected and where it is not respected.
I was familiar with the article 23 (II): “Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work”, and it is respected in some countries, but it is still happening in some others, that women don’t get the same salary than men, even doing the same work.