divendres, 10 de maig del 2013

My English Competence in 2012

If I have to choose my best written evidence I have written in two years, that means one of 60 writings, I consider is really difficult. So I will show you two of them:
The first one is about “Calçotada”. I really like it because it’s really expressive and easy to understand. I show how I like it and there is plenty of new vocabulary.
The second one, I think that is quite good too because I express my feelings and I show how I was and how I became in these lasts years. Maybe, this writing doesn’t have a lot of new vocabulary but it has more connectors and different verbal tenses.
If I have to choose one of them, I would say the second one because it’s almost the last one, that is supposed I know more, but I still maintain that both are quite good for me, and they are on the same level. On each one, you can see the fluency of the reading and because there aren’t a lot of short but neither large sentences.
Looking for my best oral evidence I found this one:
The reason I have chosen it is because of my pronunciation and my fluency. I think it’s a sentimental but potential oral podcast. As you can see, I am not nervous like I was on the oral presentations, so it’s maybe the most important reason I chose it. 

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