divendres, 10 de maig del 2013

My English Competence in 2012

If I have to choose my best written evidence I have written in two years, that means one of 60 writings, I consider is really difficult. So I will show you two of them:
The first one is about “Calçotada”. I really like it because it’s really expressive and easy to understand. I show how I like it and there is plenty of new vocabulary.
The second one, I think that is quite good too because I express my feelings and I show how I was and how I became in these lasts years. Maybe, this writing doesn’t have a lot of new vocabulary but it has more connectors and different verbal tenses.
If I have to choose one of them, I would say the second one because it’s almost the last one, that is supposed I know more, but I still maintain that both are quite good for me, and they are on the same level. On each one, you can see the fluency of the reading and because there aren’t a lot of short but neither large sentences.
Looking for my best oral evidence I found this one:
The reason I have chosen it is because of my pronunciation and my fluency. I think it’s a sentimental but potential oral podcast. As you can see, I am not nervous like I was on the oral presentations, so it’s maybe the most important reason I chose it. 

dijous, 9 de maig del 2013


Looking back approximately 20 months, I was 16 and I started 1st Batxillerat. If I look my first writing I sent to Lourdes, in my opinion it wasn’t so bad, but looking forward to my last composition it has quite improved.

First of all, you can see that grammar is one of the most important things I have improved, but connectors and relative pronouns are the most ones. These helped me to explain more things and to do larger sentences.

I have also improved my imagination on my writings and my fluency on it, and of course my pronunciation in summer because in Sant Pere comes a lot of tourists. But what I haven’t improved was on vocabulary and prepositions. It costs me a lot and it maybe can’t be displayed on writings.

As for oral presentations, I have seen that I was really nervous and trembling at my first oral presentation, even I was talking about my life and me. I didn't look allmaost nothing to my friends of the class, I only was looking Lourdes, my teacher. In this aspect I have improved a lot because I lost a little bit the shame. As you can see too, I said a lot of oral expresions, like: ehm, and, ... and a lot more. I still do it now, but not so many. 
In my opinion, I believe oral presentations helps you to improve your English and of course to learn more about the topic you do. I have improved a lot my pronunciation, but not only at school.
About my personal development, I have become more mature, I have passed a lot of things and experiences, and I think Baxillerat helped me to take this step.

dimarts, 7 de maig del 2013

Interview with Carrie Bradshaw

Situated in New York city, the most popular city we can find a famous person, on a café. We have a date with Carrie Bradshaw, an actress who has been the best paid famous girl in years for the series “Sex in New York”. So let’s start!
I: Good morning Carrie! We are from divinity, as you know, and we are interviewing the four girls of it. The first one, of course, is you because you are the protagonist. Tell us something about your experience doing it, while you were recording, etc.
C: Hello everyone. First of all, I’m glad to be interviewed by divinity. I really follow its series. While I was recording Sex in N.Y., at first all were really nervous and we didn’t know each other, but if you see last season you can see how our feelings were changing and the series was better at the end.
I: And have you seen all the chapters on TV?
C: Yes, of course! I always do it because I see my mistakes and what I have to improve to be better and to learn too from my colleagues.
I: That’s great! I think it’s a good idea and all the actors should do it. Regarding to the topic of colleagues, what were your relationship? It was ok?
C: It was amazing! At first we got friends quickly, we met every night, even to study together for the series. But at the end, as you know we distanced and we had some economic problems about the movie, not for the series.
I: Wow! It probably was disappointing for you and for the audience, wasn’t it?
C: Yes, of course! I was really bad because we became very friends, but life isn’t easy, you have to go on your way.
I: I absolutely agree with you. Now we are going to leave your past and talk about the present. What about your feet? How they are doing?
C: Oh, thanks for your concern! Well, I am ok, I go with a specialist doctor and he is really good. I can’t wear heels and it has been particularly difficult because I was over them all day: while I was working, while I was at home … all day!
I: That has to be impossible!
C: No, no it wasn’t! I really love them and love wearing them because a girl with heels changes completely. But now I realize that they have been good friends for me for all my career and now my feet have to rest. Now I am not bad, I have to take care of them and well, continue as I said before.
I: We are so happy you are better and we hope you will go up to your heels, because it’s how we know you.
C: Yes of course. We will do our best!
I: Thanks for your time. We hope to see you soon on your new projects.
C: Thanks to you. Bye Bye my fans!
I: Bye Carrie Bradshaw. We finish here the interview, we hope you have enjoyed it and we will have more news tomorrow from the new project of Jennifer Lopez and how her babies are growing up!

dijous, 2 de maig del 2013

My last writting

Hello everyone, this is my last writing I will do on 2nd Batxillerat. I’m so excited because it means that I end Batxillerat and my life will change completely in a month. I will go to University, living alone or with friends in a strange and big city, I will meet a lot of people,… but now I will remember you how I entered IES Castelló d’Empúries and how I have finished it.
First of all, I was a little child who has left from her primary school. There, all the teachers were attending me but I knew that the same second I will enter to high school, my life would change a little bit. And it was! But it wasn’t a difficult change. The differences were that this school was bigger, there were a lot of people, a lot of different teachers and subjects, and a lot of gays to know. I remember the first years I only went with my friends of my town, but at 3rd of ESO I began to meet new fantastic people.
Then, when I finished 4th of ESO I knew that I will enter on Batxillerat, but it was on the same school so it didn’t afraid me. These two years have been really hard, spending a lot of hours studying, with a lot of problems but with plenty of happiness too, I’ve done my first research project, I’ve met a family on my class and I’m glad of it, I’ve taken care about “Shakira” (our plant of the class) and a lot of things more that I can’t remember now.
Now, I’m in a nervous, exciting but also afraid situation. I have to decide my future and it’s the biggest responsibility I ever faced. I am sad of leaving my high school, leaving all my friends and all of them will create their way, even knowing we will reconnect again, but we will never be on the same class together. But I am also really happy to end my first stage, and open another door with a lot of new things to learn and experiences to happen.
This is my last writing in IES Castelló d’Empúries.

Clenching fists "can improve memory"

Lead scientist Ruth Propper, of Montclair State University, said that clenching the right hand for 90 seconds helps in memory formation, while the same movement in the left improves memory recall, say US psychologists. The researchers think clenching a first activates specific brain regions that are associated with memory processing.
In an experiment, 50 adults performed better at remembering words from a long list when they carried out these movements.
Future research will examine whether hand clenching can also improve other mental processes, for example verbal or spatial abilities, and memory of pictures and places, as well as words.
In my opinion, I've been particularly impressed about this information I've just learned. It is maybe one of the news I have done this year that has surprised me the most. I can't realise that clenching 90 seconds my right hand helps me in memory formation. I believe it's a good investigation and experiment.

dimecres, 1 de maig del 2013

Sant George's Day

Traditionally and from the fifteenth century in Catalonia St George’s Day is the day of love, and it is customary for couples to give each a red rose “like blood” and a book. The day claimed many Catalan culture and many balconies adorned with the flag of Catalonia. It is celebrated on 23rd of April.
This day has been part of many stories for all ages. A short example:

“Legend says that long ago in a village there was a very angry dragon spitting fire-breathing smoke and pulled the nose. The dragon ate all pigs, chickens, goats, cows, … and the people were terrified. Every morning they offered a person to eat it. One morning, the bad luck wanted to be one’s turn of the princess and the king became very sad. But when the dragon was ready to eat the princess, appeared a very strong boy riding a horse and killed the dragon with a spear. Blood of the dragon was born a rose. The villagers cheered and the castle became a party”.

Summer '13

I want that this summer must be the best I ever had before. I have plenty of things to do but I am also worried if I have a lot of hours empty, because I am an active girl who has to do something in any moment.
At first, my objective of this summer is to get my driving lessons. I am so excited! I want to get it but it makes me respect too. I’m quite afraid if I couldn’t get it or if I don’t know how to drive, but I will put all my desire and strength.
Another objective is to get the first certificate in July. As you can see I will be very busy studying, but I think it’s a good idea to get it before going to university, so I have to sacrifice for what I want.
Finally, the rests of my objectives in this summer are not planned or maybe not as important as what I’ve said before. I will be with my friends, my family, going to parties and other things to relax of this hard year I’ve past!